
Don’t be afraid to look for a new job as a young professional, just do it wisely!

Sófalvi Márton | 2022-11-30
Many young university graduates find themselves in a vulnerable position when they enter the job market. Don't let unpaid internships and a lack of experience drag you into a career where you are never properly registered and most of your small salary is in an envelope. Know your worth!

The big day has come, you’ve been hired for your first real job, after unpaid internships and other temporary jobs. You’re ready, because you’ve read a lot about how to behave on your first day at work. But less is said about what a job should offer you, so let’s see when it’s worth looking for another job, even if you’re just starting out.

The career starter who works four hours a day but is still in for eight

One of the most common employment tricks you can fall victim to is being signed on for fewer hours than you actually work. At first glance, it may seem like a good idea to have less tax coming out of your paycheck and receive part of your salary in cash. In reality, it only benefits your employer, as your net pay stays the same.



You, on the other hand, are getting a pretty big cut, as it reduces the amount of pension you will receive in the distant future. This may seem far-fetched now, but your pension is a very long-term investment, and why not start by paying in the monthly amount you are entitled to?

In addition, if you have any serious health problems, the sick pay you are entitled to will show that you are not registered for your real salary. In the event that you are unable to work for any length of time, every penny counts. However, there is little chance that your employer will give you the part of your sick pay that he or she has lost because of their shenanigans.

Not to mention that there’s no obligation for your boss to pay the unpaid portion of your wages on time.

What’s a career starter to do?

Well, if they have no choice, they have to put up with it. Unfortunately, the labour market is challenging, unless there is an exceptionally high demand in a particular profession. A strong CV requires at least a couple of years of experience, which makes it easy to force fresh graduates into underpaid jobs.

However, before you get totally discouraged, here’s some good news! Not all companies want to take advantage of you. The probationary period is not just about making it easier for your employer to fire you if you don’t do well, it’s also about making it easier for you to quit. Feel free to keep your eyes open if you don’t feel comfortable somewhere, and look for a place where they see your real value.

Of course, you shouldn’t have unrealistic expectations either, so get as informed as you can. Talk to professionals in your area to see what kind of working conditions and salaries you can expect. And within the workplace, don’t be shy about asking colleagues about the ‘dirtiest’ things if something looks suspicious.

Always, everything in writing!

Whatever you decide, always have the specifics of how you work in writing. Of course, a contract is best, but an email can be enough. After all, words may come and go; only the written words remain. This way you won’t find yourself in the unpleasant situation of not getting the agreed salary with a delay of weeks, or finding yourself in a completely different job and not being able to prove your point.

You are a newcomer to the profession, not to life

Looking for a job is often a pain. You may often feel that for every challenge you overcome, life throws another obstacle in your way, but sooner or later things will straighten out and you will find your place. Always consider what’s best for you, just make sure you don’t get stuck in the wrong place for too long.

Don’t base your future on semi-announced jobs, there’s enough uncertainty in our lives as it is. However, feel free to use them as a stepping stone to a better job!

Tags: career   career starter   interns   job   salary