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Five tips to make your thesis perfect

Kőszegi Anna | 2022-11-09
Is your thesis almost due? It is worth thinking about these tips if you are in a hurry to start writing, but they are also worth considering if you have more semesters left.

Writing a thesis is a complex task. You have to produce not only a fairly long text on your own, but you also have to pack it full of academic references and your own ideas.

References and editing

If there is one thing you should pay attention to from the very beginning, it is consistent editing and referencing. Each university has a different style of citation that they want to see on thesis pages, but you certainly do not want to make the assessment worse by putting periods and commas in the wrong places. In addition to the order of references, it is also worth paying attention to font size and type, bibliographical requirements and, of course, minimum length. It is also important to know whether or not the bibliography is included in the length of your thesis.

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A good supervisor

If your students have the freedom to choose their own supervisor, make sure you find one who fits your expectations. Do you want someone who does not search too often but lets you write on your own? Would you prefer more help and consultation? It is worth choosing a lecturer you know, either from classes or from a programme.

Choosing a topic

You may already have lots of ideas, as you are passionate about your subject. If it is true about you, great, because there is nothing better than loving what you do. We encourage you to dare to choose a more complex, difficult topic if you are interested in research. It is important to assess whether you prefer a topic that is easy to write about, or one that involves serious work and gives you the opportunity to go deeper into an issue.

The literature

When you start your research, you are likely to find that there are a lot of studies and reading material waiting for you. While it is worth reading as much as possible, it is better not to get lost in the details and not to go off in a direction that is barely relevant to your topic. It is worth asking your supervisor who the big names are that they like to see in the bibliography in the department.

Thesis defence

It may seem daunting to answer questions in front of a committee, but if you have made it this far, it should not beat you. You wrote your thesis, you know what is in it, you know the research it contains and you know all the issues that could come up. If details like references, bibliography and editing are in order, you have done everything that was expected. 

Tags: subject   supervisor   thesis