
4 furnishings you should never buy for a new rental flat

Sófalvi Márton | 2022-11-11
Moving into a rental flat for the first time is a big adventure, whether you have a flatmate or not. You have the task ahead of you to make your new flat feel like home. But in the meantime, you also need to think about acquiring items that you can move to other flats if need be.

Most rentals do not last forever, especially if you have the opportunity to move to a better place in the meantime. Therefore, it is better to surround yourself from the start with items that you will be happy to see, even decades from now, in your own home as well.

Furry, fluffy carpets are the curse of rentals

These tantalisingly soft and in most cases surprisingly cheap carpets should never be bought anyway. They may seem like a good idea at first, and you will love being barefoot on them when you take them home, but they do have a dark side.

There is no vacuum cleaner or carpet beater which can clean them. You will be kneeling on it and trying to suck up dirt with the vacuum cleaner hose, but it will not come out.



Artificial flower

Whether it is potted or in a vase, artificial flowers will only work as a dust catcher. It will not even give you the pleasure of a growing plant. Buy the real one, water it instead of dusting, it is worth it.

A huge wardrobe

Got a lot of stuff? Have you found a big wardrobe that is cheap too? Do not buy it! It might fit in your rental now, but there is no guarantee you will be able to take it with you to your next place. Besides, it will only encourage you to accumulate a lot of clothes and other stuff you actually do not need.

Black laminate furniture

These pieces of furniture are sophisticated, modern, stylish and attract too much dust. Whether it is a desk, coffee table or shelf, you will probably have to dust it daily rather than weekly. Unfortunately, urban homes will always be dusty, and these pieces of furniture will always remind you of that.

Tags: flat   furniture   home   rental