
Cheating in online exams? A British survey reveals how many students admit to it

Tar Gábor | 2022-09-29
One in six British university students admitted to cheating in online exams in the past academic year, a survey has found. But few of them were caught.

In a poll involved 900 British undergraduate respondents, 16 per cent of students said they had cheated in online exams but of those who admitted it only 5 per cent were found out, The Times wrote. The survey was carried out by Alpha Academic Appeals, a legal service that helps students contest university decisions.


Many universities still chose to keep online exams

Although exams in the past academic year were less disrupted by Covid measures, many UK universities chose to keep online assessment practices adopted during the pandemic. All the respondents said they had taken an online test in the academic year 2021/22.

Asked about the morality of cheating in online exams, 33 per cent said they thought it was either not wrong or just “mildly wrong”.

Using Google, messaging friends

And what tools do students use in online exams? Messaging friends, using Google, or asking parents to check answers before they are submitted.

The survey also found that the proportion of those cheating was slightly higher among first years.